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Hey You, Hell No

from My Bones, Your Ashes by Henric de la Cour

00:00 / 03:12
  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.

      10 SEK  or more


  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Black 12" vinyl.

    When Henric de la Cour returns with new music, it has been 6 years since his last album "Gimme Daggers". During that time he has examined himself and come out on the other side with a partly new costume. What remains is everything that fans have loved since they first came into contact with the now legendary singer during Yvonne's breakthrough in the 90's - grandeur, desperation and pop music right on the border between the darkest indie and the brightest synth.

    Beyond all this, we find the new music chiseled from a distilled sound. The soundscape is airier. The lyrics are more precise. The production - as on the previous solo albums created in collaboration with Rikard Lindh - explores spaces that have not been explored before. de la Cour says more, with fewer means and authenticity is ever present. 

    In his almost 30-year career, Henric de la Cour has released 3 albums as a solo artist, 2 as a member of Strip Music and 4 as the frontman of Yvonne. He has also been portrayed in the documentary "Henric de la Cour", shown extensively on Swedish national television, and he’s been touring regularly throughout Europe with festivals and club shows in all major territories.

    Includes unlimited streaming of My Bones, Your Ashes via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    ... more
    ships out within 5 days

      279 SEK or more 



from My Bones, Your Ashes, released January 31, 2025


all rights reserved



Henric de la Cour Stockholm, Sweden

In his almost 30-year career, Henric de la Cour has released 4 albums as a solo artist, 2 as a member of Strip Music and 4 as the frontman of Yvonne. He has also been portrayed in the documentary "Henric de la Cour", shown extensively on Swedish national television, and he’s been touring regularly throughout Europe with festivals and club shows in all major territories. ... more


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