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The Actor

from Quietism by Momus

00:00 / 03:56
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The actor plucks
A plastic rose
Man or woman?
Nobody knows
The actor walks
On the sea

Thick as thieves
With kings and queens
They’re fun to know
Especially queens
Bagged a role
In Squid Game 4
Been so lucky
So far

Lashed to the mast
In a yacht rock world
He’s not a boy
He’s not a girl
Lives in LA
But it makes him sick
None of it’s worth a fiddlestick

Had some husbands
Wives as well
Don’t call him
Love triangles
Make him sick
Never could do

The actor knew
Bowie too
Used to take Duncan
To the zoo
Speak in camel
Speak in giraffe
Duncan grunted
Bowie laughed

Lashed to the mast
In a yacht rock world
He’s not a boy
And he’s not a girl
Lives in LA
But it makes him sick
Do do do do do do do do

Celebrity Square
Holy cow
The fat lady sings
For the actor now
Time to end
His flame-free fame
Time to forget
His fake-ass name

The actor croaked
While making
Charity donation
A chatbot ghostwrote
His obit
All the other chatbots
Ghosted it

Lashed to the mast
In a yacht rock world
He’s not famous
Any more
Lived in LA
But he loved it not
None of it’s worth diddlysquat

Where's he now?
He’s in a book
There on the cover
Just look
He got the chop from
A plastic sword
Give that prop
An Academy Award


from Quietism, released January 1, 2025


all rights reserved



Momus Berlin, Germany

Momus is "the David Bowie of the art-pop underground" (The Guardian). "Behind all the scoffing defiance there wafts something dark, too" (Die Tageszeitung). "There's a tone all the way through his work of a slightly aloof and superior being smiling cruelly at the foibles of human nature" (Stuart Maconie, BBC Radio). ... more

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