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Universe Drawer

by Texas 3000

00:00 / 04:38
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Truly cursed
In your little black hearse
So hard to drive
When I found out you died
My heart did start to break
Truly cursed
When the universe heard
It pulled the drawer from the back of my mind, am I?

Truly hurt
by a little white curse
My mind starts to break
My car is on fire
You jump into the lake
I promise you, you’ve got what it takes, anyway

All of this time that you never knew why…

(I can’t get with the time
Everything moves so fast
Gallons and gallons of smiles and tears
Slipping out of my body
Hubris of all time
The edge of your softness
In this game of chasing
You are so lost)

I know that’s just the way it goes
True enough to touch
the way, it falls through my fingertips
Into fate
All of this time that you never why


released January 17, 2025
jojo: guitar/vox
kirin: bass/vox
sakiyama: drums

Basic tracking recorded by Yoshiaki Kondoh at Sur Sound Studio in Hatagaya, Tokyo. All else recorded by Yusuke Shinma at Studio Reimei, in Chofu, Tokyo. Mixed by Ian Pellicci.


all rights reserved



Texas 3000 Nakano City, Japan

dr: sakiyama, gtr: jojo, bass: kirin

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