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by Natalia Tsupryk

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'bipolar' is a piece of modern classical music for two solo violins and a string ensemble of six violins, three violas, and four cellos. It is my reflection on the war in my home country, Ukraine.

Almost three years into the horrible Russian invasion of Ukraine, I find myself struggling to explain to my foreign friends the feeling of "bipolarity" we very often get in our daily lives. You rarely read anything about this war, or if you do - it is all about how Ukraine needs to negotiate and how tired everyone is. When I get asked, "How are things going?" I never know if I should tell the truth or nod. I usually nod. People struggle to understand that, despite it being very tough and grim, we still laugh, love, make art, eat good food and live each day just as it is. But we also see our dearest friends go to war. We see them come back with no legs. Often, we bury them. We have missiles and drones trying to kill us when we are asleep. When I hear, "You should give up/do anything to stop this", I think about those Ukrainians who lost their lives and calmly accept that only people far away from such events can give this simple-sounding advice. Some say, "So many have died - stop this to prevent more deaths." But we say, "So many have died - let's make it not in vain."
Living in today's world feels bipolar.


released January 17, 2025
Mix: Greg Freeman
Master: Zino Mikorey


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Natalia Tsupryk Ukraine

Natalia is a Ukrainian composer and violinist. Defined by a distinctive use of strings and vocals, Natalia’s compositions draw from her classical performance background to combine elements of folk, electronica, and new-classical genres.

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