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A Promise From the Barrel of a .357

from What Happens After the Epilogue...? by Coup D'état

00:00 / 02:59


This shouldn't be!
We drift aimlessly.
Hand in hand,
heart exposed,
we’re walking targets.
But who fucking cares?
We’re safe in each other’s embrace.
Is this the promise you had spoke of?
(Our love lies.)
Is this the life we were meant to have?
(Our love lies dead in the ground.)
Were you just waiting for the moment
(This faggot had it coming!)
to pull the trigger?
There's a kind of comfort to the taste of metal in my mouth.
Iron coats my tongue as my teeth pierce my cheek.
The pounding drum of my heart in my ears
marks the seconds as I fall to my knees.
The lights spin and I see you laughing.
This is a quieter death than the one you promised me:
No crashing waves, no gasp for breath.
Just one quick squeeze and I’m falling,
ready to drown.
Will you meet me at the bottom?
Or are you still laughing
while my head’s below the water
and you’re watching me drown?


from What Happens After the Epilogue...?, track released October 31, 2024


all rights reserved



Coup D'état Victoria, British Columbia

YYJ Real "Fake Emo" (traditional lək̓ʷəŋən and w̠sáneć territories).

Coup D'état is
Freyja Internicola (Guitar, Vox)
Liliana Wilson (Drums, Vox)
Raine Sommerville (Bass, Vox)

Contact: coupdetatbc@gmail.com (Freyja)
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