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the book of job part ii [prod. Roper Williams]

from ceci n'est pas un portrait by miles cooke

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had countenance made for a janus mask
flipping... far be it from me to knock it
dual thoughts paint the pictures
bent on stitching scarlet letters all through personas
and the proxy observations wouldn’t know it’s finished
woe is me by the day depicted
figured i’d push the limit
got em scented flowers for the hereafter
the here and now been so elusive
holy ghost before they notice the fix is in

they relied on the conditioning and cherry picking
dance with the drums sans lost traditions
fancied curmudgeon logic
paired with facade politics acknowledged
and died extracting every penny out the cost of living.

no muse could ever match my tithing.
birthed from the commandments of renown writers.
sleight of hand style disciple
demon with the armchair cynicism
fit for the acquainted people
an enigma if you can’t keep it a buck about the doctrines

‘cause the disappearing act a godsend
run around semantics with the novices
all praise when suddenly impossible is promising
built a soft-landing in satire while capsizing
i’ve been hiding in the open and
left em with the notion of
still got his fastball but he don’t throw it much
objections in a council meeting of one
brief leisure
edit life to queue the applause break cheat code
drawn out decay
a fallacy only seeking
known enlightenment
heard god calling
who would’ve thought could get it to stop
keep up

it’s the book of job sequel vision
leaving just to keep it civil
holler out the hermeneutics
fair warning parables on principle

stifled progress pockets shocked
while lifting hollowed monuments
in lieu of faux divine guidance
exodus from normalcy assignment
and the asterisk: a maladjustment coping mechanism
plus some apathy for sunken climates

bible thumping while they gather loose screws on a good friday
they really fucking nailed it

might be time to make a dinner reservation for 12


from ceci n'est pas un portrait, released January 10, 2025


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miles cooke Brooklyn, New York


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