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from Dead Slow by Heavy Moss

00:00 / 05:35
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  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Heavy Moss - Dead Slow (Limited Edition Die-Cut)

    Side A

    Le con
    Distant Boy
    Side B


    - Single LP pressed on audiophile 180-gram translucent
    ...  more
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Kyle: Guitar, Vocals, Keys
Sam: Drums, Percussion
Bec: Bass, Vocals
Lucas: Keys, Vocals

Half light
The waking of the sun
True friends
Would never do
What I have done

Stage fright
Lay it all to waste
I’m not
Far from your coldness

Half light
True friends
I’m not
On my way to be disgraced again

Call back
Make this son alright
No psychs
Just tell him what is right

Left out
Every bit i’d tell
Can’t you forget as well

I needed love
I needed half the world could give me on a whim

I was missing love
I was missing all that she could give me
On the back of what went wrong

I needed love
I needed half the world could give me on a whim

I was missing love
I needed all that she could give me on the back of what went wrong.

I was missing love.


from Dead Slow, released November 22, 2024
Kyle: Guitar, Vocals, Keys
Sam: Drums, Percussion
Bec: Bass, Vocals
Lucas: Keys, Vocals


all rights reserved



Heavy Moss Geelong, Australia

Who are Heavy Moss?

Heavy Moss are a band formed in late 2022. From Djilang (Geelong), a place west of Naarm, Australia, their music is the result of four distinct musical minds. Lucas Harwood of King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard, Sam Ingles of Atolls, Kyle Tickell of Sons et al and Bec Goring from Hayley Mary blend their approaches to songwriting to create sweet, unbridled, psychedelic pop. ... more

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