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sunburned santa (ft. Mike Fuller)

from sunburned santa (ft Mike Fuller) by Lucky Halfspeed

00:00 / 02:37
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santa's got a brand new tan.


santa touched down in the sunshine state
jinglin for a hazy ipa
his skin matches his suit
his rosy cheeks got red
vitamin d going straight to his head

now he’s a sunburned santa
(sunburned santa)
sunburn, cruising down a1a
(sunburned santa)
wondering while the clouds went away
(sunburned santa)
and his snowcone is melting (sunburned santa)

the snow melts away
and the sand sticks around
it happens when the big man comes to town
he had to cut his red pants off at the knees
and he should have worn SPF 2003

cause now he’s sunburned santa
(sunburned santa)
mmm the dolphins come to swim with me
(sunburned santa)
rudolphs hanging ten
(sunburned santa)
I hope this vacation never ends.

(Sunburned Santa, Sunburned Santa!)


from sunburned santa (ft Mike Fuller), track released December 11, 2024
Mike Fuller - Vocals, Guitars
Robert Ledet - Piano, Hammond, Bass, Drums, Percussion
Danny Deane - Steel Drum


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Lucky Halfspeed Nashville, Tennessee

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