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Heron King - I Must Be in a Good Place Now (Bobby Charles cover)

from A polaroid for Christmas 2024 by "Memoria polaroid" - un blog alla radio

00:00 / 04:42
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Wild apple trees blooming all around
I must be in a good place now
Sunshine coming through, a rainbow-covered sky
Paints pretty pictures in my mind
Oh what a good day to go fishing
And catch the sunset in the hills
And dream of my yesterdays and tomorrows
I hope that you'd be with me still

Saw a butterfly and named it after you
Your name has such a pleasant sound
Love is all around, and all I see is you
I must be in a good place now

Oh what a good day to go fishing
and catch the sunset in the hills
and dream of my yesterdays and tomorrows
I hope that you'd be with me still
I saw a butterfly and I named it after you
Your name has such a pleasant sound
Love is all around, and all I see is you
I must be in a good place now





"Memoria polaroid" - un blog alla radio Bologna, Italy

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«Even a place in time as recent as last week can now feel like it happened a decade ago» (Douglas Coupland - "Polaroids From the Dead")

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