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AT Christmas

by Sofia Talvik

00:00 / 04:06


In December 2004, when Ben stumbled out of the deep snow from the woods that line Skyline Drive, he was barely alive. He had completed over half of his hike on the Appalachian Trail. Sheer willpower and survival instinct got him through to safety.

He made it out and was later able to tell the story of his dramatic escape from the snow to Swedish Folk/Americana artist Sofia Talvik, who in turn was inspired to write the new Christmas single “AT Christmas” (a play on the words AT, Appalachian Trail, and At Christmas, as in at Christmas time).

In Sofia’s version, the hiker might not be so lucky as the inviting snow and exhaustion take hold over him.

Accompanied by North Carolinian artists Drake Duffer (classical guitar) and Peyton Clifford (accordion), who also play on her latest critically acclaimed album Center of the Universe, you can almost hear the cold wind blowing through the trees. Delivering yet another chillingly beautiful Christmas story to her over 15-year-long tradition of writing original Christmas songs, AT Christmas should have a spot on all holiday playlists.


Bow down to winter bow down to the snow
Like branches in the forest
Hanging heavily hanging low

The moonlit sky offers its rewards
There is a shelter in the distance
that you’re striding towards

You could sit down for a while to catch your breath
The snow is soft as down
In the early morning light of Christmas Day
you found the place where you would stay

Appalachian trail
On Christmas Day

What are you doing out here in the night
Looking for a shelter in the pale moon light
The forest is empty and the shadows hanging low
What are you doing on the trail
All alone

You could sit down for a while to catch your breath
The snow is soft as down
In the early morning light of Christmas Day
you found the place where you would stay

Nature tells us when it’s time to hunker down
The north wind blows you further away from town
You walk in circles in the whirling snow
There’s a shelter waiting
Somewhere below

You could sit down for a while to catch your breath
The snow is soft as down
As Appalachia
holds you in its hand
You’re a mere three miles
From the nearest town

In the early morning light of Christmas Day
You found the place where you would stay
On the Appalachian trail
On Christmas Day


released November 28, 2024
Written by Sofia Talvik
Vocals and guitar Sofia Talvik
Classical guitar Drake Duffer
Bass Janne Manninen
Accordion Peyton Clifford
Cello David Floer
Percussion Joakim Lundgren
Produced by Sofia Talvik
Mixed and mastered by Hans Olsson, Svenska Grammofonstudion


all rights reserved



Sofia Talvik Gothenburg, Sweden

Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music that has been described as neo-folk. She is a veteran performer with 8 original full length albums as well as numerous EPs, singles and tours behind her. ... more


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