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by Forty Elephant Gang

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Standing by the roadside laughing
Watching all the people passing by
Oh life

Sentimental records playing
I don't believe a word they're saying
Lies, Oh lies

The markets are exploding
Pack your bags I'm rolling home

Evergreen, my love for you
Will last
Evergreen, my heart for you
Will last

Dancing round an old piano
You’re still the only place that I go
Why ? I know why
You say its just a chain reaction
I'm never gonna lose this passion
Mine, oh mine

Tell me when you're ready
Ive been holding steady lines

Evergreen, my love for you
Will last
Evergreen, my heart for you
Will last

Tell me when you're ready
Pack your bags I'm heading home

Evergreen, my love for you
Will last
Evergreen, my heart for you
Will last


released November 15, 2024


all rights reserved



Forty Elephant Gang London, UK

Forty Elephant Gang are a rousing, engaging, and intensely innovative three-piece from East London who blend Folk, Americana and American Blues, with truly classic songwriting.
The band features Andrew White, Sean Mannion and James Bachmann. Since their formation they’ve taken their unique sound to large and varied audiences throughout London and the UK.
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