The feeling’s deep inside
As waters break the tide
And fade into view
A promise that I have to forget
I’m falling away
Falling away
A sun that burns the scars
Leaves no one left unharmed
Its light shrines the truth
Is time the only way to be healed?
I’m falling away
Falling away
Into a black hole made of stars
And all I see while fading is
galaxies collapse into demise
I will give into the eternal night
‘Cause nothing lasts forever, son,
Not even the sun that blinds your eyes
There’s nothingness in sight
As time reclaims all life
And death will exude
Is that the truth the light would reveal?
I’m falling away
Falling away
The sun that burned the scars
Implodes into its heart
And waves to the moon
Is death the only way to be freed?
I’m falling away
Falling away
Everything falls
Time will always make the call
and pull us under
Everything falls
Gravity will take its toll
and pull us to our grave
Into a black hole
Into a black hole made of stars
And all I see while fading is
galaxies collapse into demise
I will give into the eternal night
‘Cause nothing lasts forever, son,
Have you ever really wondered why?
Top-tier guest vocalists fest and cinematic soundscapes on the post-rock / prog metal frame. Amazing well produced and very diverse prog album Dmitry Nevozhay
Stunning debut album! Finally a worthy competitor in the field of progressive metal. I sincerely hope to hear more of them in the future! I really loved Dream Theater, but I can’t stand La Brie anymore. Rich is way more interesting and varied! lordhusch
Caligula’s Horse has given us a more subtle, nuanced, and perhaps a darker album especially compared to their previous three releases. Still as approachable as ever and Jim Grey’s vocal performance is angelic as expected. Admittedly not my favorite of theirs but it’s still a good release, these guys don’t ever really miss. 7/10 RJ
Midwestern prog-metal stalwarts go for the throat on their new EP, featuring a roiling cover of the Smashing Pumpkins' “1979.” Bandcamp... New & Notable Aug 7, 2019