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Landscape with Midges

from Pond Life by William William Rodgers

00:00 / 03:52
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The sky went on forever
I dumped the Daewoo in the heather
Seeking pleasure in some forest fire clearing
Some breadcrumb trail miles from the morning when
Imagine my surprise
When she began to materialise
With a black crow on her shoulder
Her lips were red with brambleberry juice
We went running through a landscape
With midges en route

Cut to two weeks later
Two faces bobbed up from the water
We made headlines on a slow and sombre news day
A slow and rainy Tuesday afternoon
The Missing Persons Bureau
The Detective Inspector and the FLO
Ask the Neighbourhood Watch to stay watchful
The good lord to keep his fingers crossed
We went running through a landscape
With midges and moss

So home from our adventures
Two doves have roosted in the rafters
And they coo you to sleep most every evening
As I lie soundlessly awake
And as it’s the truth we’re after
I miss your sweetly smelling laughter
But when you bandy words like “always” and “forever”
Forever always seems a day too long
These Polaroids of crumbling purple heather
It’s not enough to build a world upon
Still we’ll always have the landscape
To run and re-run


from Pond Life, released November 5, 2024
Written by WWR

Engineered by Hamish Campbell-Legg with additional engineering by Nathan England-Jones

Mixed and mastered by Nathan England-Jones

WWR: singing, guitars, keyboards, percussion
Hamish Campbell-Legg: percussion, synths
Oli Pyper: bass
Nathan England-Jones: additional percussion


all rights reserved



William William Rodgers Birmingham, UK

Singer-singer-songwriter. It's Rodgers with a D.

New album POND LIFE out now

"acutely aware, deeply felt songs" – The Quietus

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