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His First Kinks Album

from Melomaniacs by The John Sally Ride

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  • Streaming + Download

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      $1 USD  or more


  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Compact Disc is jacket sleeve

    Includes unlimited streaming of Melomaniacs via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.
    ships out within 3 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $12 USD or more 



His First Kinks Album

Comes a time in a fan’s life when he or she thinks
“How am I not the owner of a record by The Kinks?”
When that time came to Marty, he went to Discomat
Ran straight to The Kinks section, but not was not just that

The Kinks had so many albums, it was so hard to choose
And they all looked so tempting, he felt he couldn’t lose
He made a vow not to start with a basic greatest hits
Since Ray Davies was one of rock music’s greatest wits

His first Kinks album
Many consider the worst Kinks album

Soon he plucked out a cover that was a striking green
With some cartoons of icons all from the sliver screen
Then he saw a song title that mentioned “Sunnyside”
That’s a section in Queens where at the time he did reside

His first Kinks album
Many consider the worst Kinks album
His first Kinks album
Many consider the worst Kinks album

Ask any Kinks fan what their favorite Kinks album is
No one will answer Everybody’s in Showbiz,
Everybody’s In Showbiz

When he got back to his house he played it right away
He was not sure he liked it, but he played it everyday

Later in life he discovered Kinda Kinks, Something Else, Village Green, Face To Face
But strange double album deep inside his heart holds a special place

His first Kinks album
Many consider the worst Kinks album
His first Kinks album
Many consider the worst Kinks album
But he stills loves it dearly
He plays it ten times yearly
He still loves it dearly
It’s nostalgia, clearly

Ask any Kinks fan what his favorite Kinks album is
No one will answer Everybody’s in Showbiz,
Everybody’s In Showbiz


from Melomaniacs, released November 17, 2024


all rights reserved



The John Sally Ride New York, New York

Each time John Dunbar put out a new solo album he first played it for his close friend, and fave drummer, Sal Nunziato, He always hoped Sal would ask to play on the next record. Each time Sal heard a new Dunbar record, he wondered why he was never asked to play on it. They both always dreamed of playing with mutual friend, Sal Maida. After the unspoken was spoken, The John Sally Ride was formed. ... more

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