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Give up on Me

by Owen Duff

00:00 / 02:56
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Can't you see that I'm walking this thing to the end of the line
You tell me you want to join me but baby this journey is mine all mine
You keep on trying to understand me but I don't want to be understood
And though you keep on saying I'm not so bad what I'm doing to you is no good

Why don't you give up on me
Won't you give up on me
I'm building a tragedy
I don't know why it should be
But it's needful for me
So please
Baby give up on me

I'm descending the dark dark ladder taking it one rung at a time
Yes I can hear you calling me back up but I'm too tired to climb
It's just too hard and too late to tell what I want from what I don't
Oh you should listen to me when I say you should leave for your own sanity but you won't

Why don't you give up on me
Won't you give up on me
I'm building a tragedy
I don't want to take you with me
So just set yourself free
Oh please
Baby give up on me

Sometimes I wonder how it's going to feel after all the hope has been killed
After every drop of love has been lost to a well that cannot be filled


released November 6, 2024
Music and lyrics by Owen Duff.
Strings played by Richard John Curran.


all rights reserved



Owen Duff London, UK

A true adherent to the DIY ethos, Owen Duff creates everything related to his music, from artwork to videos, as well as playing/programming nearly all of the instruments on his songs. His songs that blend influences from folk, 60s chamber pop, electronica, film and TV scores and jazz. Owen's lyrics are inspired by books, films, TV, high and low culture, politics and personal experience. ... more

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