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by Lux Mala

00:00 / 04:42
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This song talks about being in a catacumb, dead, beign a naked skull surrounded by more bones without life. It's a recordatory of what we will become.


Quisiera gritar pero no puedo
En mi garganta hay sólo un hueco

Ya no soy más que un recuerdo
Todo mi aliento quedó en el viento

Y yo estaré aquí
Yaceré por siempre
Y yo estaré aquí
Yaceré por siempre

Quisiera ver pero no puedo
Todo es negro fuera y dentro
Ya no hay dolor ni lamento
Congelada en el tiempo


I want to scream but I can't
There's only a hollow in my throat

I'm nothing more than a memory
All my breath is left in the wind

And I'll be here
I'll lie forever
And I'll be here
I'll lie forever

I want to see but I can't
Everything is black outside and inside
There's no pain or regret anymore
Frozen in time


released October 30, 2024
Music, lyrics: Nathalie Astrada
Mix and mastering: Pablo Abatte
Cover art: Valle Gren


all rights reserved



Lux Mala Argentina

In a sick and sad world where purity and kindness are increasingly lost in the chaos of the present, this project was born with the need to express my thoughts and feelings, from a pessimistic and realistic point of view.
What you are going to hear is a cry in the night, trying to spread beauty in the dark, pleasure in pain, strength in rebellion.
By Nathalie Astrada.
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