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from bastard tapes vol. 4 by BIGMUTHA

00:00 / 03:01


im an acquired taste
you bitches aint get the memo
imma demon
you in danger
glocky be switching tempos
when i get to whoopin bitches
they prolly treat me like nino
die for my respect
you can catch it
fuck the lingo
you wont ever catch me cheatin
i work harder than a migo

baby in my belly
you could never fuck on me tho

i write every record
every bar
im pressin xannies
i look good in all my pannies
i like pissin off my mammy

nun like these bitches
baby im the man

be all in my business
but u still dont understand

i aint rich and famous
i just make this shit look poppin
and i know u think u matter
but u aint the only option

not an influencer baby
im the influence
u dont know me
but the hoe that u stealin from seen me do it

mutha keep these bitches on they toes
i like ballerina hoes
i like 8 balls and k holes
and playin w my nose
i like cocktails
and details
and making all my clothes

judge me if you wanna
bang the gavel
play ya role

you pussy pork police
come get a loan

bark it match the bite
i bury bitches like a bone
i got four kids at home
ion need a clone
got a legacy
im big shroom
im puttin on
queen of the underground
purgatory’s very own
im down a decade
i still aint made a bad song
cooler than the bitches in the comments
haters make me vomit
sick of all the gossip
grab my pistol
press the block button
talkin all that bubblegum
bitches never pop nun

you bitches make me giggle
thinkin u can stop sum
hurdle after hurdle after hurdle
hoe im still runnin
they wanna take away my medals
cuz a bitch blunted
whats meant for me is meant for me
you niggas aint above it
u bought a fake id to kick it
u gets no mclovin


from bastard tapes vol. 4, released October 31, 2024


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BIGMUTHA Chattanooga, Tennessee

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