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Big Steve

by Pet Symmetry

00:00 / 04:03
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A year ago today I lost one of my favorite people in the world.

A mentor, a father, a friend and collaborator - My friend and yours Steve Poponi. Steve took care of so many. Built an entire community in the South Jersey area where I grew up. I did my best to put my feelings into words... Some of them his. I think about him everyday. This is for him.

This is a love song for Steve. All of the money raised from this single will be donated to the Poponi family. We hope you enjoy and encourage you to share.

As for Pet Symmetry - We'll be seeing you next year. XO



I need to take this time to say I loved you. Me and all my homies man, they loved you too. And you would have hated that. Just fucking hated that. But we all hate it more that we can’t bring you back.

Everybody in the car, they all heard me talking.
Everybody in the car, they all heard the news.
Everyone in my life, they all heard us talking.
But I could only hear you.

In time I’ll grow to be a man, I know. But you can’t help me fix my bike or my life. We only process time at the end of days like we only judge the ocean by the strength of its waves. You were the strength of your wave.

Everybody in the car, they all heard me talking.
Everybody in the car, they all heard the news.
Everyone in my life, they all heard us talking.
But I could only hear you.

Have a nice time some other time. That’s fuckin’ life man. What’s exactly the goal here? It can’t be to merely just breathe in and breathe out and breathe in and breathe out. I felt like I’m the way I am because of you so then who could I be now?

Everybody in the car, they all heard me talking.
Everybody in the car, they all heard the news.
Everyone in my life, they all heard us talking.
But I could only hear you.

Editor’s Note: “In time I’ll grow to be a man, I know. But you can’t help me fix my bike or my life.” and “Have a nice time some other time” taken from the song “Help Me Fix My Bike” as written by Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start. Rest easy Steve. Love you.


released November 1, 2024
Pet Symmetry, always and forever Erik CZAJA, Marcus NUCCIO and Evan WEISS.

Pet Sym’s Winter Acid Cabin, Makanda IL
Type One Studios, Chicago IL
Mark’s House, Woodlawn IL





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Pet Symmetry is for the people. Long live Pet Symmetry. Thank you.


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Pet Symmetry Chicago, Illinois

Definitely Not 20/20.

Chicago, IL
Erik Czaja, Marcus Nuccio, Evan Weiss

Asian Man Records / Storm Chasers LTD



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