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from Gossip by Harmony

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She cries in stereo
At the end of the night
And when the party’s over
Leaves with Mr. Alright
He has to go back to his regular life
She wants to know about that stereo life

She got her Xanax sanity
Tries on twenty kinds of jukebox vanity
Looking for a bootleg lobotomy
In Serato every night
Every night
Every night
The party girl apocalypse
Only ever wears clear chapstick on her lips
Doesn’t even give a damn who Jesus is
Finds her gospel in the light of the night
Stereo life

She cries in stereo
At the end of the night
And when the party’s over
Leaves with Mr. Alright
He has to go back to his regular life
She wants to know about that stereo life

Smarter than she seems
Found 1000 ways to avoid everything
Every man will just distract from what she needs
No she doesn’t need too much
Not a touch
Not a kiss by the bunch
When she goes home
Lays on her sofa with her iPhone
Staring at girls she used to know
But they’re all in mono
And they don’t know that she’s in stereo

She cries in stereo
At the end of the night
And when the party’s over
Leaves with Mr. Alright
He has to go back to his regular life
She wants to know about that stereo
She cries in stereo
At the end of the night
And when the party’s over
Leaves with Mr. Alright
He has to go back to his regular life
She wants to know about that stereo life

Good girls such a cliche
I love acting the wrong way
Don’t tell me to behave
Where she go
I don’t know
She living stereo
Good girls such a cliche
I love acting the wrong way
Don’t tell me to behave
Where she go
I don’t know
She living stereo

She cries in stereo
At the end of the night
And when the party’s over
Leaves with Mr. Alright
He has to go back to his regular life
She wants to know about that stereo
She cries in stereo
At the end of the night
And when the party’s over
Leaves with Mr. Alright
He has to go back to his regular life
She wants to know about that stereo life


from Gossip, track released September 16, 2024
Song written by Harmony and Bamster
Produced by Bamster and Harmony
Mixed by Loric Sih
Mastered by Loric Sih


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Harmony Los Angeles, California

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