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The Wolf (feat. E from Eels)


00:00 / 04:12
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Inspired by a scene in a screenplay by Ro Bright, who then penned the monologue for us. And it features the great E from Eels, who was so generous to agree to guest on this track and to whom we are eternally grateful!!


The Wolf
He makes my blood burn
He makes my collar hot
He makes my stomach churn
He looks into your eyes and you run for your cocoon
He’s grazing like a werewolf underneath the moon

He and my mother fell out of love
He stained the carpet
She stole his truck
He’s got her money
But she’s got the drugs
And now he’s circling

He wants revenge, he wants revenge
He’s out for blood and there’ll be no happy ending
Nature is descending down upon our heads
D’ya hear the sirens, here’ they come again

The Wolf
Don’t play him for a fool
He’ll drown you in the garden
Bury you in the pool
He wears a million faces
You don’t know who you’ll meet
You see him my advice is
Best to cross the street

Love, if you think you’re a monster, ask yourself - do you celebrate life? Do you lap it up? Every cell? Every scrap? Do you swirl it around your mouth, sucking bits of others through your teeth, over and over until you’re sick? I do. That’s how I celebrate life. Because a monster, a real life monster has no rhyme or reason. No layers. I’m no onion to unpick. I do what I do, because I do. Because every night I wake up, I wake up and I ask myself one simple question: should I grab a cup of coffee… or kill?


released October 10, 2024
Vocals, keys: Steph Brown
Drums, bass, guitar, vocals: Fen Ikner
Monologue: E


all rights reserved



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