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Temporary Friend

by Harrison Storm

00:00 / 03:02
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"Temporary Friend" speaks to the fleeting moments you have while traveling and meeting those certain individuals that you share a unique and specific connection with, only to never see them again. The song is about the intense and interesting things you learn about someone’s story, the deep conversations into the early hours of the morning and the vulnerability that can be revealed from those encounters.


I know I might not see her
Again another night
So she handed me her red scarf
And a light

She told me about her father
And the girls she used to date
The hate towards the rich folk
And her pain
A taste of what could’ve been

To this world you’re not a stranger, afforded luck
But a temporary friend, I know
A hurricane and who can blame her, called their bluff
Seasons running to an end
Til’ next time, I gotta go

A foreign conversation
In a pool bar that she liked
Life throws a secret message
When it's time

I’d offer her the tarots
To see the road ahead
But I know she’s gonna find out on her own

To this world you’re not a stranger, afforded luck
But a temporary friend, I know
A hurricane and who can blame her, called their bluff
Seasons running to an end
Til’ next time, I gotta go



released September 20, 2024


all rights reserved



Harrison Storm Melbourne, Australia

Harrison Storm is a singer/songwriter based in Melbourne.
Harrison is greatly influenced by his childhood, where he grew up by the beautiful beaches of the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria. Exposed to music from a young age through his mother’s guitar playing and father’s poetry, Harrison began creating his own music inspired by his parents’ record collection. ... more

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