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Another To Do

from Dust Chaser by VanWyck

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A million broken promises strewn on the floor
Declarations of intent left out by the door
Sweet toothed wishing-wellers hastening out the window
Followed by the echoing calls of I told you so
I told you so, I told you so

But you don't listen
You don't wanna know
I can stamp my feet and scream out loud
But I don't get through

You say that you love me
But it don't ring true
Such an easy thing to say
Another to do

So tell me just how am I supposed to move on
Do I smile in public and cry on my own
Do I just pretend that there's nothing wrong
Do I swallow it up until it swallows me whole
I told you so, I told you so

But you don't listen
You don't wanna know
I can stamp my feet and scream out loud
But I don't get through

You say that you love me
But it don't ring true
Such an easy thing to say
Another to do

So help me understand cause I don't think I do
If it's true for me, how can it not be for you
Do you turn a blind eye to every blow
Well maybe that's working for you but it is crushing my soul
I told you so, I told you so

But you don't listen
You don't wanna know
I can stamp my feet and scream out loud
But I just don't get through

You say that you love me
But it don't ring true
Such an easy thing to say
an easy thing to say
an easy thing to say
Another to do


from Dust Chaser, released September 28, 2024


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VanWyck Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The mesmerizing alt-folk songs of Amsterdam singer-songwriter VanWyck are sometimes sparse and intimate, sometimes darkly overpowering. She has built up an intriguing body of work that has been embraced by listeners all over the world. VanWyck has released 5 albums: An Average Woman (2018) Molten Rock (2019) God is in the Detour (2020) The Epic Tale of the Stranded Man (2022) Dust Chaser (2024) ... more


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