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A song about recurring sad dreams, night terrors, yoga and dancing


Feel your body, forget your name, turn off your mind
Sew this fate to fabric of a flag from future time
Your name is calling you backwards
Your name is calling you backwards
This is much too much to bear
Care too much but care

This blurry tunnel vision of your sleeping glassy eye
Keeps calling you back
Calling, calling you backwards
You don’t know why

This dream, it comes to me at night
It used to fill my days with darkest blues
Now I've learned to live despite it
Learned to fight before I lose
I'm fighting feelings, I'm fighting feelings
I've lost my way, I lost my way
Blue hours, blue hours
Grey days, grey days
One minute, minute, minute
To the next, to the next
I'm fighting feelings, fighting feelings
Stay away, stay away hey hey hey

This blurry tunnel vision of your sleeping glassy eye
Keeps calling you backwards, calling, calling you backwards
You don’t know why
Feel your body, forget your name, turn off your mind
Reach beyond the horde
You grasp at so much more

This dream, it comes to me at night
It used to fill my days with darkest blues
Now I've learned to live despite it
Learned to fight before I lose
I'm fighting feelings, I'm fighting feelings
I've lost my way, I lost my way
Blue hours, blue hours
Grey days, grey days
One minute, minute, minute
To the next, to the next
I'm fighting feelings, fighting feelings
Stay away, stay away hey hey hey

This dream, it comes to me at night
It used to fill my days with darkest blues
Now I've learned to live despite it
Learned to fight before I lose
Before I lose
Blue Dream


from Once More With Feelings, released September 20, 2024


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Formed in 2018, Figure Factor is a post-punk band from Austin, TX. The band draws on influences from early new wave and first-wave goth while adding their own brand of wall-of-sound dissonance born out of their roots in DIY queer-punk and dance-punk catharsis. ... more

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