On Hey, ily’s new record, the band wants you to walk away with at least this one takeaway: you must face the hurt head on, or it will continue to hurt forever. With that, the band’s sophomore effort Hey, I Loathe You! is a victory over pain, grief, and hate. The album was written in a two-and-a-half-year span, in which the group faced upsets, betrayals, and sudden changes. Throughout listening, you are navigated through, and exorcised of, the feelings that stem from these events. By the end, Hey, ily realizes that, while it’s okay (and even good) to have these emotions, you mustn’t try to run away from them, but rather face them
Track List:
1. The Impending Dissolve of Hey, ily!
2. Feel Good Forever
3. Is Worry
4. Wind Up-Toy
5. Gelato Skip
6. Pass The Body... Dysmorphia, Please!
7. (Dis)Connected
8. Dev Hell
9. whenicouldstillfeel
10. Head Like A Zombie
11. End Credits (Denouement)
Includes unlimited streaming of Hey, I Loathe You!
via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Baby Blue variant of "Hey I Loathe You" on vinyl. Not actually flavored. Please do not attempt to eat the vinyl, it'll taste like shit and poison you probably.
This item is a preorder. They will likely be ready to ship around June 1, 2025. Shipping date subject to change.
Includes unlimited streaming of Hey, I Loathe You!
via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
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there’s something on my mind
but i don’t think that it’s valid
so i’ll just post it online
than feel embarrassed about it
i’m so connected
that i’m (dis)connected
i’m so connected
that i’m (dis)connected
i had to get it off my chest
it’s been eating me all week
you know i hate to admit it
it makes me feel so weak
supported by 63 fans who also own “(Dis)Connected”
This album is such a unique and innovative take on electronic music and 90s nostalgia that it is hard not to stand mouth agape in awe while listening. It is a true magnum opus in how it executes its music, themes, and aesthetics. I bet that Superdestroyer continues to deliver amazing music, but it is honestly hard for me to imagine something this cool happening more than once in my lifetime. robi1475
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