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Rondelet: Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint (RF7)

from Guillaume de Machaut: Remede de Fortune by Blue Heron

00:00 / 04:46


Rondelet (RF7) Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint

Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint,
Comment que de vous me departe.
Par fine amour qui en moy maint,
Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint.
Or pri Dieu que li vostre m’aint,
Sans ce qu’en nulle autre amour parte.
Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint,
Comment que de vous me departe.

Lady, my heart remains with you,
although I myself must leave you.
By the pure love that rules me,
Lady, my heart remains with you.
Now I pray God that your heart will love me,
not sharing itself with any other love.
Lady, my heart remains with you,
although I myself must leave you.

[English Translation © Scott Metcalfe. Unauthorized reprinting strictly prohibited.]


from Guillaume de Machaut: Remede de Fortune, released October 21, 2022


all rights reserved



Blue Heron Boston, Massachusetts

Winner of the 2018 Gramophone Classical Music Award for Early Music (the first non-European group to win the award), Blue Heron (Scott Metcalfe, dir.) has been acclaimed by The Boston Globe as “one of the Boston music community’s indispensables” and hailed by Alex Ross in The New Yorker for the “expressive intensity” of its interpretations. ... more

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