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all of my love

from life till bones by oso oso

00:00 / 02:17
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annie's got her gun now and she's pointing it at me
i don't know were i went wrong but we sure had alot of fun
and the reasons i wake up now are the same that i can't breathe
if 'what is lost will all be found' why am i still here lying around?

i'm not trying to say that a moment can't survive.....

but i can't give you all of my love all of my life
all of my love, (singing) all of my life
all of my love, (singing) all of my life
all of my love all of my life
all of my love, (singing) all of my life
all of my love, (singing) all of my life
all of my love, (singing) all of my life
all of my love, (singing) all of my life


from life till bones, released August 9, 2024


all rights reserved



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