The realest, scariest, heaviest fucking shit. Who needs grease paint and fake satanism, when you can just look around at the mutilation of humanity that is the American South? Real American horror story. A fucking tragedy. Every day. Mark Barnes
Just the kind of gentle soundtrack I need when I am doing simple repetitive manual tasks. Impossible to decide on a favourite track because they are all wonderful. Jeremy Cherfas
This album most reminds me of the dread I felt when I first listened to Yanqui U.X.O. though, strangely optimistic by the end with the closing track letting you down slowly, and being strikingly comforting. Especially in these days
NO RATING AS OF 19 MARCH 2025 >62,614 DEAD Issac_mUsical_Thing
This massive, nearly 200-track compilation of edgy, experimental electronic music benefits those affected by the Ghost Ship fire. Bandcamp... New & Notable Aug 7, 2017
They took everything from God's Country and refined it even further. I'm so excited to see what they continue to come up with, talented bunch of people. Cover also looks like a cross I've seen in Indiana about one hundred times so that's really cool soulof-fright