supported by 24 fans who also own “Last Morning Watch VII.”
A singular, harrowing experience. If this album doesn't give you a newfound appreciation of life, specifically the ability to remember it, then I don't know what will. smoothiebrain
supported by 14 fans who also own “Last Morning Watch VII.”
real and outstanding tone. soul soothing and grounding. full of humility. surprisingly diverse.
a real enrichment - you can easily tell, by the sound of this, that kali got some fundamental truths.
reminds me a bit about arvo pärts johannes passion at elatus label by candomino choir which is by far my most favourite classical album. this might be on the same level, I dont know for yet. k9
The 17 mindbending songs on this compilation represent minimalist experimental music at its best, a collage of blips and static. Bandcamp... New & Notable Dec 3, 2022
Napalm Death vocalist Shane Embury swaps breakneck grind for industrial ambient grooves, bringing his skills as a producer to the forefront. Ba...ndcamp New & Notable Jan 4, 2023
An esoteric and eerie live performance from multi-instrumentalist J.P. Shilo conjures up haunting images with a multitude of dark tones. New & Notable Jul 8, 2021
supported by 13 fans who also own “Last Morning Watch VII.”
I was just listening to this album and painting on Aseprite some logo for a project, and it really took a spin for the better. Thanks Malone, O'Malley & Railton :)