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Watching The Cyclones

by Thank You Thank You

00:00 / 03:10
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"Watching The Cyclones" by Thank you Thank you

I finished writing this song in 2022 or 2023. It's sort of about a fictional Coney Island that exists only in my head. Thanks to all the beautiful musicians who helped bring it to life.


watching The Cyclones
not long ago
the diamond gleamed in the sun
the great illusion that’s on my mind:
time standing still on the field for us
it’s going, it’s going, it’s gone

I broke the cycle
under the spell
I go on living without you
trust is an apple in my hands
our diamond split in two
ooh ~

how many times more
can love go wrong
before I answer for it?
now that I am more than halfway to the end
couldn’t begin to take
another hit

watching The Cyclones
not long ago
the diamond gleamed in the sun


released August 2, 2024
Ty: nylon and steel string acoustic guitars, Wurlitzer, vocals
Kevin Basko: bass VI, 12-string electric guitar, percussion
Jem Seidel: drums
Emily Moales: vocals, whistling
Nick Levine: pedal steel
Andrew Stevens: baritone electric guitar

Produced by Tyler Bussey and Kevin Basko
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Kevin Basko at Historic New Jersey (Philadelphia)

Cover photograph by Tori Hardy (@tricky__worm)

Special thanks to all the musicians, Charlie, Katy, Tori, Eliza, Avalon, Will and Ari, Luke and Emily, Alex and Lucy, Sam & Louise, Chad and Christian, Anna and Nick, Sammy, Jess and Sam, Wes, Rachel, Mike and Meggy, Lucas, Zack and Nandi, Ben, Dan, Elijah and Hannah, Michael, Dash and Alyssa, Maryam, Camille, Nick, Smiley and Adri, Shannen and Addy, Heather, V, Jack and Preston and Connor, Lindsay, Lucas, Artie, Juliette, Nathan and Georgia, John, Sam, Kristine, Papi, Landon, Ava and Jason, everyone in Ratboys, Lily, several Gregs, Nina and Gabe, Sophie, and everyone I've met through music

BMI Tyler Bussey

More to come in November


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Thank You Thank You Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

a shadow of myself playing the banjo

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