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Ten Foot Breakers

from Ten Foot Breakers by JJ Byars

00:00 / 05:08
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Ten-foot breakers
Ten-foot breakers crash on the floor
Ten-foot breakers
Ten-foot breakers crash on the floor
Of my ocean

I hold my breath in
I hold my breath in, my lungs ache
My ribs are cracking
My ribs are cracking, my sides shake
Death whispers in
Death whispers in my fins
Death hisses
Tongue wet and teeth a grin

Do you think it's normal
To feel like you've barely scratched the surface of it all
Do you think it's normal
To feel like you've only used your claws for survival
What if I've been missing
What if I've been missing the point
The point
The point

Time for breakfast
Time for breakfast the toast is burned
The dreams have left us
Left us scrambled and stomach turned
I ain't usually like this
The milk may spill but the tears stay dry
But something changes
When you know there's no more milk to buy
Milk to buy
It's all run dry

Do you think it's normal
To feel like you've barely scratched the surface of it all
Do you think it's normal
To feel like you've only used your claws for survival
What if I've been missing
What if I've been missing the point
The point
The point
Of it all


from Ten Foot Breakers, released July 12, 2024


all rights reserved



JJ Byars Brooklyn, New York

"...with 'Toys.' Clocking in at just under five minutes, it’s a rich, explorative, ode to impermanence that pulls from a whole variety of genres, while defying them altogether, with JJ’s lush vocals coming set against a backdrop of country-style chicken pickin’ guitars, before handclaps and other percussive elements enter to carry the song to its dynamic climax."
--We Are The Guard
... more

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