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from AI vs IQ by IQ The Prodigy

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1st Verse

Big plans, little budget, still I've done it, along the lines I've improvised, it's still occurring; I can't overly emphasize I'll reassert it, I can not let a bump in the road be a deterrent/
Can't let an obstacle, stop me from what I gotta do, remember impossible literally spells I'm possible,
if there is a smidgen of chance albeit improbable, I'll be the outlier that's laying out what is optimal/
Factor in every variable, multiply by the will within, carrying over faith, equates to how I have sealed the win; never losing sight of the purpose and path he's steered me in, thats the type of credit you can not find on Experian/
Only found through experience with mercy and grace, I have grown through experience and learned from mistakes, optimizing my efforts knowing purpose awaits, making sure each word is perfectly placed/
So everything is aligned, staying centered left to write what I find, on this journey justifying the grind; as I equate it to quest, parsing through thoughts relaying through text, fortified by all the faith I possess/
I always pray for the best, work through the worst, meditate on the rest, and ask for order as I'm taking the steps; knowing that's forwards the way, moving a long as a force that can stay, as a student in the course of today/


I've stepped into my purpose, I've gotten my aim set, I'm always analyzing for Optimization,
I'm executing lean, there's not a lot wasted, I'm always reassessing for Optimization/ (2x)

2nd Verse

Big dreams, little time, still inclined, to practice patience knowing it's been designed; I recognize the role that I play has been assigned, seeking the director so I wont be ill advised/
Or led astray, lead assured when led in faith, when led in false throws you off,degredates; whatever course that probably calls for a steady pace, rather pickup like it's a truck like Ford or Chevy makes/
Optimizing, doing if not devising, choosing cause I've decided, the music can not be silenced; I've amplified a wave that the brain can use when applied it can introduce or revive, what used to be viewed as rhyming/
It's probably new to you but a few can tell you it's common, for Q to hit the booth like a tutor viewing assignments, I brake it down in language that's getting through to the mindsets, of youth and elderly too I guess can group this with conscious/
Genre aside, music that I try to provide, I hope is useful in alot of your lives; in one form of the next, now it's on you pay it forward effect, challenge you to give your all in your quest/
And that is all I request, focused on mine some call it obsessed, better than saying my calling was missed; I'd rather pickup I said, laying it down yet lift up instead, following the path in which I was led/


I've stepped into my purpose, I've gotten my aim set, I'm always analyzing for Optimization,
I'm executing lean, there's not a lot wasted, I'm always reassessing for Optimization/ (2x)


from AI vs IQ, released July 18, 2024


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IQ The Prodigy New Jersey

IQ The Prodigy, an independent Hip Hop artist hailing from the vibrant state of New Jersey, stands as a beacon of lyrical excellence and profound creativity. With a career that has seen the release of 5 mixtapes and 3 self-produced critically acclaimed albums, he now presents his ninth body of work, a testament to his unwavering dedication and evolution in the craft. ... more

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