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00:00 / 03:29


My body lies over the ocean.
Oh yeah, my body lies way across the sea.
My heads been sitting here, so unproductive.
Someone should bring my body back to me.
I need more limbs than the lips I've been running on
I like where I am, but can't tell where it leads.
I've been staring hypnotized, laughing at sand designs
trying so hard to just make out the beach.

They lie on the floor, and they sing words at me
all day and all night and I love every scene
That gets played in my head. To think they'd be good as dead
if not paired with the thought to release them.

But these words aren't something that families are eating from
not something you'd notice was late.
What ever gets plastered here, I'll learn to live with
I'm sure in time, it will make a good take.


from Go Sit Over There by Aaron Abrams, released July 4, 2024
Riley: Vocals, Drum programing, guitar
Ali: Vocals, Guitar, Bass




Aaron Abrams Salt Lake City, Utah

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