supported by 11 fans who also own “Josh Caffé - Rextilla”
Excellent selection for an excellent journey through a snapshot of electro and electro-esque shapes, new and old, and very old! Highlights include the Optic Nerve + Slam collab, and it's always great to hear Clarence G, of course. I also like that there's a long section of the 'unmixed' tracklist that's actually mixed as well! KenO
supported by 10 fans who also own “Josh Caffé - Rextilla”
There are artists who struggle to stretch their tracks out to full length. And then there are artists who produce single tracks brimming over with more creative ideas than some of those other artists have over an entire career. Try to figure out which category Djrum belongs to! Daniel Saner
supported by 9 fans who also own “Josh Caffé - Rextilla”
Late-night walks through half-lit seaside suburbs, when the beaches are covered in darkness and the port on the other side of the inlet is lit up like Christmas and looks enchantingly beautiful. EstesMindead