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Crimes of the Heart

from Tigers Blood by Waxahatchee

00:00 / 03:04
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i got off at your stop, at my stock’s sudden drop
i’m a trusted doorstop or a paperweight, taciturn, inanimate

i can sit on your shelf, like ashes foretell
a spirit in hell while the living sleep right on through, take a shortcut

& i coulda called i suppose, i’m the thorn on your rose
i’m the emperor’s new clothes, & i make it look easier every time

if you’da left it to me who knows where we would be
reading fortunes for free in someone else’s goldmine
survey my breaker like cheap wine
you let it in sometimes
a floodgate you can pantomime
you let it in sometimes

in every crime of the heart, you’ll rip yourself apart
it’s outsider art, provokes every emotion

& it may bewilder a few, it’s an unpleasant view
you’re an agent of truth, twisted up at the tail end
you play the villain like a violin
it comes from within
darkness you can befriend
it comes from within

it’s a dead end
don’t overextend
hail the darkness you can befriend

it’s a dead end
don’t overextend
hail the darkness you can befriend


from Tigers Blood, released March 22, 2024
Katie Crutchfield - All Vocals, High Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitars
MJ Lenderman - Electric Guitar
Phil Cook - Organ, Banjo
Brad Cook - Low Bass Guitar
Spencer Tweedy - Drums and additional percussion


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Waxahatchee Kansas City, Missouri

Katie Crutchfield’s southern roots are undeniable. The name of her solo musical project Waxahatchee comes from a creek not far from her childhood home in Alabama and seems to represent both where she came from and where she’s going.


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