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Matching Bodies

from Matching Bodies by null split

00:00 / 04:39
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I can't confess the sin with my throat so dry.
I feel the wind is turning, I can't ask why.
In the land of milk and honey, we're on the clock.
You show them cuts and bruises, they give no fuck.

Words like noise, they mean nothing,
found liberation in my snake skin.
Echoes of war, I feel so slick,
slithering my way like a prick!

Feeling your breath from the nip of my teeth.
When you carry yourself, you're just to small
to get the taste of anything, you're calling for help.
Caught in the threads is the rubbing of matching bodies.

Sometimes, you wish you could feel from the shock,
and sometimes, you wish you were dead as a rock.

You're a jack of all trades.
You quench my thirst.
Find a hole that fits your head.
Check your ankles first.

See the path is drawn,
it's lined with thorns.
See our feet are bound,
so when we fall, we fall together.

Words like noise, they mean nothing,
found liberation in my snake skin.
Echoes of war, I feel so slick,
slithering my way like a fucking prick!

Feeling your breath from the nip of my teeth.
When you carry yourself, you're just to small
to get the taste of anything, you're crying for help.
Caught in the threads is the rubbing of matching bodies.


from Matching Bodies, released June 19, 2024


all rights reserved



null split Paris, France

No, you'll give them nothing. Nothing to rest their clout, nothing but furious bursts of salt. Be a scorched earth to this crowd. A devastated land that leverages no pride. Uniquely warped, beyond recognition.

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