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Workin' for the Man

from Lost Angeles by Richard Turgeon

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I wrote and recorded this track a long time ago, when I was very unhappy with my job. The monotony, the wasted time, the pointlessness of it all. I'm sure you can relate.


Time to wake up in the morning and get ready for a wasted Monday
It’s too early yet to care when you just wish it was another fun day
And you know your will is spent when all you want to do is keep on sleeping
Debts are paid and you get up to pay the company that you’ve been keeping

And you’re working for the man
And you do the best you can
Well you’re working for the man
Say goodbye attention span
Well you’re working for the man
And it’s just another wasted Monday

Life is short and so it seems so odd when days are numb and seem to get longer
It’s the clock that tells you when it’s lunch but don’t confuse it with your hunger
It’s OK to disagree or think and feel but don’t expect an answer
And the rulebook eats you up just like the belly of a flavored cancer

There’s a moral to this story but it might not have a happy ending
When you smile this morning just remember it’s a guarded truth you’re bending
When it’s quitting time it’s just enough to think about what you’ve been giving
It’s a cozy bed you’ve made and it’s enough to say you make a living

Remember when your days were free
When you weren’t sure where you would be
The time just slowly drifts away
But you’ve got something left to say

And it’s just another wasted Monday
Goodbye Tuesday
Bye bye Wednesday
So long Thursday


from Lost Angeles, released June 1, 2018
Music, lyrics, all vocals and instruments, produced/mixed/mastered by Richard Turgeon. Drums/vox recorded, tasty bass by Ron Guensche.


all rights reserved



Richard Turgeon San Francisco, California

I'm a suburban dad who writes, performs, and produces original rock songs. I play most of the instruments myself.

My new EP, 'Campfire Songs,' is available now on all digital outlets and on Kool Kat Records (CD).

Follow me here on Bandcamp and sign up for my email list at richardturgeon.com for updates.
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