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Mourning Time

by Future Teens

00:00 / 03:49
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New standalone single.

Mourning Time is a grief song. It takes place during the anger stage of grief. When I write a song it is to process something. Whether that’s a feeling, an emotion, a thought or an experience. Sometimes I don’t even know exactly what I’m experiencing until I sit down and try to write about it. I remember showing it to my therapist for the first time and after listening she told me that I had distilled a month of sessions into one song. I’ve always had a hard time writing about anything that isn’t true to me but sometimes when I’m really going through the wringer my inclination isn’t to sit down with a guitar. It took me a while to muster the courage to sit down and write this song. But I’m glad I did.


I’m pretty sure no one’s ever said
We didn’t talk and it resolved by itself
Did you forget so soon about asking for help? What the hell Daniel
I guess I just thought when the shit hits the fan That I’d wake one day with a new better plan
But I don’t know how to feel everything that I can’t It’s still inside man
I saw my life
From outside
And knew that I’d never stop if I started to cry Cause you plan, god laughs, the baby dies
Get used to this shit cause you’re old now When did life start on it’s way down? What would your younger self say about How you turned out?
How is it that when you’re deep in the shit
You’re still mowing the lawn, making the grocery list Take a breath for yourself breathe it out breathe it in Hey it’s mourning time again
And Colby was right
About life
When he said that it can be so damn relentless sometimes And you laugh, just so you don’t cry
Get used to this shit cause you’re old now

When did life start on its way down? What would your younger self say about How you turned out?
And everyone carries their own weight
If god never gives more than you can take
I’d get down on my good knee to ask for a break
But there’s nobody up there and if I’m wrong I guess it is what is and that’s fate.
Be good to yourself cause you’re old now When life’s never up it’s just all down What would my older self say about
The fuck I’m supposed to do now?
But everyone carries their own weight
If God never gives more than you can take
get down on your knees till your back start to break
And if somebody’s up there
Can you see if they’ll quit with this heavy shit for fuck’s sake


released May 17, 2024


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Future Teens Boston, Massachusetts

future teens is amy, daniel, maya and colby. they are a bummer pop band from boston.

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