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Cruel World

by Zoe Jennings

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hachi48 thumbnail
hachi48 This is what I really needed, a song that speaks to me, I really love what you wrote for the lyrics, can't wait to ride through the nights with this song 😭 thank youu Favorite track: Cruel World.
00:00 / 02:57
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Make a tea and sit down
Get the sugar out
Go sit down with yourself
And just be

There's nothing required of you
To be considered for loving
And I know it's a cruel world
A cruel, cruel world but
You don't need to be

No, woah
No, woah
Or Anyone
Cos nothing really matters

The ideas that you have
You can throw 'em out
Won't matter when you're off to sleep

There's nothing required of you
To be considered somebody
Oh I know it's a cruel world
A cruel, cruel world but
You don't need to be

No, woah
No, woah
Or Anyone
Cos nothing really matters


released May 17, 2024
Zoe Jennings
Kevin Anderrson


all rights reserved



Zoe Jennings Wellington, New Zealand

Zoe Jennings is a singer from a coastal town in New Zealand who writes honest indie/folk pop music about her life.

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