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Chambers of Magic

from Gateways of Eternity by Dolmen Gate

00:00 / 04:04
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  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Released by No Remorse Records. Sealed!

    Includes unlimited streaming of Gateways of Eternity via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
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      €14 EUR or more 



As the winds of south were raging
The sun had departed for night.
I left in my cursed endeavour,
Oblivious to my plight

I have invoked the masters name,
This shall be the day he will appear.
Down from the mountains the elders came,
Waving dark spells of freezing fear

The human kingdom is crumbling
You are doomed to the underworld
There’s no 666, there´s no river Styx
There’s just an eternal war on men

As the chambers of magic unfold
Beyond the veil of darkness
They take the great hall in a blinding flash,
healing all the blindness

Visions of darkness, just skin and bone
A curse on our people like never before
Hell is our fate!
And our wrath the executioners

Repeat Chorus


from Gateways of Eternity, released April 26, 2024


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Dolmen Gate Lisbon, Portugal

Enter the dolmen gate and step into the gateways of eternal Heavy Metal.
- Ana (vocals)
- Kiko (guitars)
- Artur (guitars)
- Nuno (bass)
- Alex (drums)

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