supported by 17 fans who also own “Why I'm So Unhappy (Remastered)”
I’m a big Radiohead fan and this album is kind of like a new Radiohead album. However, I feel that The Smile will prove to be an exciting project in its own right and I look forward to whatever new music they may release in the future. justlimboisfine
The latest from FaltyDL features Mykki Blanco, Julianna Barwick, Paul Banks & more on its psychedelic electronic tracks. Bandcamp New &... Notable Nov 14, 2022
supported by 14 fans who also own “Why I'm So Unhappy (Remastered)”
Classic range of Björk sounds.
Her most personal album, in my opinion- more of Björk the indivudual and less of the enigmatic artist. But where should the divide be? :)
Happy for her sharing of personal emotions, sad for the dissolution of an artists' mystery?
Question mark for tone, great album. hibernia