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Ahead of the first night of her SHERELLELAND UK and EU tour, electronic producer and DJ SHERELLE drops her new single, ‘HENRY’S REVENGE’, out now via Hooversound Recordings.

Launched in March 2020, SHERELLE and NAINA’s Hooversound imprint has become one of the most important platforms within the global dance music community. They have released stand-out records from Special Request & Tim Reaper as well as working with artists such as Denham Audio, Lone and Om unit.

Her first release in nearly two years, ‘HENRY’S REVENGE’ sees SHERELLE return with a refreshed and revived energy after a challenging 2023. In August last year, only a day ahead of her debut sets at Lowlands & Pukkelpop the following day, she was a victim of theft on a train from Brussels to Amsterdam - not only losing her entire music collection of many years, but also her debut album-in-progress.

SHERELLE explains: “Last year I was working on an album and essentially lost all my music through being mugged on a train. I didn’t pick up my laptop or go anywhere near my computer to make music for a long time because I wasn't in the headspace to do so. By the time I was able to this year, I felt so relieved making it. It felt like a fresh start.”

Despite the hardships of last year, SHERELLE was set on making the best out of the setbacks. She expands, “‘HENRY’S REVENGE’ feels like how I felt in August and September, there’s a lot of frustration and a lot of anger. Being able to channel that energy into songwriting and making it as explosive as this tune is, has been a really beautiful thing. I’m so happy and proud of myself to be able to get to a point where we are making music again, especially music I really enjoy, that reflects me and my sound.”


Do do do do do do dooooooooo do do....


released February 9, 2024
Composer: Sherelle Camille Thomas

Mixing: Sam Interface

Label: Hooversound Recordings


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Hooversound Recordings London, UK

London based record label run by NAINA and SHERELLE


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