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from HIDDO DHAWR by Sahra Halgan

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  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Aside from being an inarguably incredible album, it is a vitally important cultural artefact for the people of Somaliland.”
    Far Out Magazine

    "Halgan and her group rollick through up-and-dance tunes and brood over romantic laments - a testament to Somaliland’s distinctive and flexible musical culture and it’s champion’s forward-thinking and ceaseless advocacy."
    Songlines / Top of the World

    “What a fusion of cultures that is…. it’s wicked”
    Craig Charles (BBC Radio 6 Music)

    “Absolutely brilliant stuff”
    Lauren Laverne (BBC Radio 6 Music)

    “Somaliland-via-France singer meets fuzz guitars and Farfisa organs for rock ‘n’ roll grind and chug.”

    “From her excellent third album, Hiddo Dhawr, this track seethes with rock energy, while projecting the rhythms and melodies of deeply felt folklore.”

    Includes unlimited streaming of HIDDO DHAWR via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.
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    ships out within 10 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      €20 EUR or more 


  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Includes unlimited streaming of HIDDO DHAWR via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.
    ships out within 7 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      €14 EUR or more 


  • Full Digital Discography

    Get all 4 Sahra Halgan releases available on Bandcamp and save 35%.

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of SHARAF, HIDDO DHAWR, Waa Dardaaran, and Faransiskiyo Somaliland.

    Purchasable with gift card

      €19.50 EUR (35% OFF)



"SHARAF" - 1st single of the new Shara Halgan album's
"HIDDO DHAWR "(keep the cultur alive)
Release 29 march 2024 on the new label DANAYA.
Inouïe Distribution


Sahra Halgan is an iconic artist from Somaliland, a country in the Horn of Africa that has been independent since 1991 but is unrecognised by the international community. During the 1980s, when she is involved in the terrible war against the dictatorship, she earns the nickname "Halgan", the fighter, and her songs win the hearts of an entire people forever. Exiled to France, she starts her group in Lyon with Aymeric Krol, Maël Salètes and Régis Monte. Her third album is the fruit of a sincere search for authenticity and innovation, an unprecedented alliance between Somali song and original rock, thus enriching the most unexpected landscapes of the world music scene with her inspiration. It's called ‘Hiddo Dhawr’ (‘Preserve Culture’), which is also the name of the cultural centre that Sahra founded in 2013 in Hargeisa.
“SHARAF” is a hymn to the pride and dignity of the human being. «Show your beauty and the honor that God has given you» In these days filled with daily bad news and war on the screen, misery has no place for Sahra Halgan who decides through this first single to prioritize the beauty of human dignity.
As she usually says, “We must be able to love each other in order to open ourselves to the world and love the other. Self-esteem is not a fault of pride and on the contrary, knowing its value highlights the beauty of a soul".


from HIDDO DHAWR, track released January 30, 2024
releases January 30, 2024

Sahra Halgan - Lead Vocal
Aymeric Krol - Drum and Percussions - Backing Vocal
Maël Saletes - Guitar - Backing vocals
Régis Monte - Keys

Cover : David Mamie

Recorded by Céline Frezza
Mixed by Guillaume Dussably
Mastering : Alex Potteck
Video Shot : Peter The Moon
Video Editing : Ginger Chapel

Special thanks to all of you. Charm, love, respect & modern spirituality.


all rights reserved



Sahra Halgan Hargeisa, Somalia

Sahra arrived in Europe in 1992, a political refugee from her native Somaliland, a territory in the North East of Somalia (East Africa), formerly a British colony, self-proclaimed independent since May 1991 but as yet unrecognised by the international community. Nowadays she returned to Somaliland, the present album was recorded just before her travel back. European tour march 2015. ... more

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