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Sprinting off the dock,
shallow water mud,
ripple water shine,
second day of our stay,
it was, and it's been a long time,
it was, but now it's not mine,
I took the boat out on the lake,
and I was okay,
need to get that feeling back,
once in a lifetime,
ripple water shine,
the wind and the paddle drip,
the moving on life,
it was, and it's been a long time,
it was, but now it's not mine,
life moving on,
setting my heart,
the sun's steady pressure saw the ticking stop,
but I was all smiles,
I'm still waiting for that drink at Otto's,
I'm still always slowly waiting for what follows,
for what I've learned about being so defined by someone dying,
and for thinking before I speak,
hoping for something bigger,
but it's a size I cant teach,
for how things were,
or how they should be,
like a bolt from the blue,
you left me that belief,
ripple water shine,
it's been a long time,
now it's not mine,
and it's all right...


from Keep You (Deluxe Edition), released October 27, 2014


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Pianos Become The Teeth Baltimore, Maryland


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