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by Brigitte Bardini

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Petals is a delicate and despairing retelling of the medieval nursery rhyme 'He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not' that excited each romantic's childhood. A refrain that repeats in Bardini's celestical vocals and a question that desperately seeks an answer.

Petals contains the secrets of a hidden diary entry provoked by unrequited love, sung to us in a voice so deep in longing and riddled with unobtained desires that we yearn for a resolve alongside Bardini herself.


I can see you're alone like me
drifting on a distant thought
that you won't find a place where you belong
I can shelter you, please let me
I'll wonder through your vulnerabilies
I'll be a part of you and you of me

He loves me, he loves me not
He loves me, he loves me not
He loves me, he loves me not

I can see you're alone like me (ooo)
drifting through a distant memory
waiting to be held to find some peace

He loves me, he loves me not
He loves me, he loves me not
He loves me, he loves me not

He loves me, he loves me not
He loves me, he loves me not
He loves me, he loves me not

He loves me, he loves me not
He loves me, he loves me not
He loves me, he loves me not

One by one pick petals off the flowers
One by one pick petals off for hours
One by one pick petals off the flowers

And I'll just leave it up to chance
I'll just leave it up to chance


released March 22, 2024
Written, recorded, produced and performed by Brigitte Bardini
Engineered by Good Mood Melbourne
Graphic Design by Bella Konig
Photography by Ayush Negi


all rights reserved



Brigitte Bardini Melbourne, Australia

Brigitte Bardini is a self taught musician and producer, writing, recording and producing her songs in the comfort of her own home in Naarm (Melbourne).

Following 'Petals' and 'Crush', 'Fool' is the most recent bite of her delicately despairing upcoming album, 'Blue Tigers'.
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