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Commercial Pleasure

from Love Child by SWEAT

00:00 / 02:01
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Start ‘em young, gain our trust, set us up for failure

Kick us when we’re down, bill us when we’re up

The same people with the blood on their hands- are the same people telling us our brains are broken

Must be a disease, this thing that’s wrong with me

Give me the quick fix, saw it on tv

The same people with the blood on their hands

Why don’t I see you in the lobby, at the doctor’s office?

Why do you get the privilege of autonomy?

What’s the name of your disease? (ugh)

Prosperity, is the disease

It’s killing youth, it’s killing me

If they can’t break our brain, they’ll break our will

If they can’t lock us up, they’ll feed us pills.

It’s a work, it’s a fucking work. We’re not in on it, just the experiment

Prosperity, is the disease

It’s killing youth, it’s killing me

If they can’t break our brain, they’ll break our will

If they can’t lock us up, they’ll feed us pills


from Love Child, released March 15, 2024


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