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00:00 / 03:46


Lyrics: Tom Cheshire
Recorded and Mixed by Randy Michael at InCrowd Studio


It happened years ago
I watched my life flash by through a window
She said you look pretty worldly, like you've seen it all
Yeah, that might be true
But, what's the scoop with you?
You look like you've seen a pretty good bit yourself.

That's why they call me Mr. Champ

I've seen lots of luck
I've been around the block a couple of times
And everything I touch turns to gold
Take me by the hand my man
Show me the way of the land
Get me the hell out of this place, it's god damned cold

That's why they call me Mr. Champ

It happened years ago
I watched my life flash by through a window
She said I know where I'm going, but not where you've been
And you look like you've been to Vietnam in those pants
C'mon baby how 'bout one more chance
She said I don't want you going to where you're going alone


from Everything is New Again, released March 8, 2024
Tom Cheshire - Lead Vocals/Cajon
Mike Shina - Guitars/Background Vocals
Stiff Penalty - Upright Bass


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Tom Cheshire Band Atlanta, Georgia

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