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Mother Man

from Mother Man by Cisco Kid

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See the mansions, catch a little fire
Siren’s wailin, we’re gettin higher
Her time’s come now, our time’s over
What’s to lose when we may not see the sun rise

She's comin up, we're going down
And in the end what goes around is comin' back round now
She's comin up, we're going down
And in the end what goes around is comin' back round now

See the rockets, comin down a-crashin’
Who needs the money, who’s gonna cash in
What’s to lose when we may not see the sun rise

She's comin up, we're going down
And in the end what goes around is comin' back round now
She's comin up, we're going down
And in the end what goes around is comin' back round now

Do it for the mother, man… And not for another man
Do it for the mother, man… Na, na na na, na-na, na-na, na

Do it for the mother, man… And not for another man
Do it for the mother, man… Na, na na na, na-na, na-na, na

Do it for the mother, man… And not for another man
Do it for the mother, man… Na, na na na, na-na, na-na, na

Na, na na na, na-na, na-na, na


from Mother Man, released March 1, 2024
Written, arranged, and performed by Cisco Kid
Drums and percussion by Marc Martinka
Bass by Marty Connolly
Guitar by Brian Swed and Jojo Gustafson
Lead vocals by Addi Twigg
Backing vocals by Katy Cotten and Sarah Siplak
Produced by Marc Martinka
Recorded and mixed by Brian Swed
Mastered by Nate Campisi at Mr. Smalls Recording Studio




Cisco Kid Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Psychedelic-soul roots-rock band from Pittsburgh, PA.

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