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New Confusion

from I Am Toward You by How To Dress Well

00:00 / 03:45
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I called to say goodbye to love.
I called the number saved inside as “LOVE.”
The call, it faded out as I removed
a small wet bird from deep inside my shoe.

But then the small sound that came from within its tiny neck:
at worst regret, at best forgetfulness.

Hell is where no one has anything in common with anyone else –
Hell is where no one has anything in common with anyone else.
Hell is where no one has anything in common with anyone else –
Hell is where no one has anything in common with anyone else...

But I pray that others will show me what we’re meant to be
and that is how I’ll be free.

But then the small sound that came from within its tiny neck:
At worst regret, at best forgetfulness.
But then the small sound that came from within its tiny neck:
At worst regret, at best forgetfulness.

As the bird sang I watched my own birth again –
I saw myself born as a crow with no wings.
Its feathers were wet and ebony,
I helped stand up on its lanky feet
and it told me to complete the flight that it could not complete.

But then the small sound that came from within its tiny neck:
At worst regret, at best forgetfulness.


from I Am Toward You, released May 10, 2024


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How To Dress Well Los Angeles, California

Tom Krell, an ever-metamorphosing artist whose work has taken many forms over his now 14+ year career. On May 10, 2024, Krell will release his 6th LP, I Am Toward You.

Krell lives in Los Angeles. In 2022 he completed a PhD in Philosophy.
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