I want to say this album is perfect. Every song captures its title. I travelled back to where I'm living after a long train ride, and was reminded that, yes, I've found my 'home'. There's been a lot of flux in my life lately, but this album, especially The Not Knowing, made me feel that the well of my soul, is finally full, in its midst. Thank you Will. I'm always moved by your creations. 💙 jsrom
Probably the most adorable track I've ever(?) heard. Triumphant and wistful, Will steps in front of his ornate production for a moment and requests gently, "anoint me." I could cry. sacredadmirer
The quietly moving songs on “Emanations” showcase the nimble guitar work of Saul Guanipa, each piece warm & melodic. Bandcamp New &... Notable Jan 31, 2022
A featherlight love letter to Japanese agrarian life that draws parallels between ambient, field recording, and Brazilian guitar music. Bandcamp... New & Notable Dec 13, 2023