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Top of the Pops

by Vanity Fairy

00:00 / 04:07
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Vanity Fairy - 'Top of the Pops' - OUT NOW on Moshi Moshi

Smiling from ear-to-ear with unadulterated delights, ‘Top Of The Pops’ gathers all the giddying pleasures of Vanity’s notoriously fun live shot and bottles them inside an exuberant disco-pop package. Appropriately paired with an all-dancing, all-singing music video loaded to the hilt with glittering costumes, flying carpets and lit-up dancefloors, (with a few rainbows to spare ), the lyrical sentiment behind ‘Top Of The Pops’ is every bit as fun and joyous as the music itself, as Vanity explains:
"Top of the Pops’ charts that dreamy feeling when you and your partner hit the number one spot. When two people are in perfect sync, and the world is a mirror ball of glittering possibility. The chorus likens that feeling to the way all of the different elements in a beautiful piece of music come together to make one perfect thing - ‘I’m the rhythm to your melody / I’m in ecstasy and we are Top of the Pops’. It’s an ode to the timeless joy of hitting the heady heights of limitless love. A carnal carnival of pure disco delight, an unabashed celebration of a match made in heaven.


released February 21, 2024


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Vanity Fairy London, UK


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